Recently, one of our template was taking too much time to render left navigation section on a webpage, which displays all the pages under certain parent page upto level 3.
For reference, you can consider the following case:
Parent Page
- 1
- 1.1
- 1.1.1
- 1.1.2
- 1.1.3
- 1.2
- 1.2.1
- 1.3
- 1.3.1
- 1.3.2
- 1.3.3
- 2
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.1.1
- 2.1.2
- 2.1.3
- 2.3
- 3
- 3.1
- 3.2
- 3.2.1
- 3.2.2
- 3.2.3
- 3.3
- 3.3.1
- 3.3.2
and so on...
where, blue ones are level 1 page assets (placed under parent page), dark purple ones are level 2 page assets (obviously placed under level 1 page asset) and orange ones are level 3 page assets within FatWire/Oracle WebCenter Sites.
Similar configuration is present for other sites too as this project is configured for many countries (meaning many sites within OracleWCS and 2 or more dimensions per site)
I am discussing in detail on this topic so whomsoever reads this doesn't make the same mistake which our previous developer did.
Functionality required:
1. To render a particular page with left menu section listing page assets as shown above
2. The current page should be highlighted in left menu
3. On removing/adding page asset below Parent page asset within WCS at any level should reflect in left menu on next page load
4. Same functionality should be present for other sites (if there are multi-lingual sites)
5. And obviously dependencies and caching should be taken care automatically (no publishing of assets or flushing dependencies/caches)
Let me first discuss on how usually developers code navigational elements. Considering the above example i.e. to render left menu; one can think of a logic like: to call certain Template/SiteEntry (say LeftNav, assettype-Page, usage: Element is used within HTML page, cached) by adding following parameters to cache criteria: c, cid, site, locale and other common parameters (if required); which will be called from Layout template.
Now to build left navigation from top-to-bottom, one needs to know parent page id. So there are 2 ways, either you add parent page id to MAP tab of Template/CSElement for every site or load the current page's siteplan and find the parent page by traversing loaded siteplan (One can argue that same can be achieved if there is basic asset which stores only key-value pairs and parent page's asset id can be stored per site but again there is risk of duplicity of asset name, not to mention it is always prone to human-errors).
First case (getting value from MAP) is generic. For latter case, one can do the following:
<asset:load> - Load current asset from the param - cid
<asset:getsitenode> - Get currently loaded asset's node id in SitePlan Tree
<siteplan:load> - Load siteplan by passing the node id obtained above
<siteplan:notepath> - Get list of ancestors
Last entry in the IList will fetch the parent page asset's asset id and node id
Once you have parent page, start by loading the siteplan from this parent page id or node id and build the left navigation:
<asset:load> - Load current parent page asset
<asset:getsidenode> - Get node id of parent page
<siteplan:load> - Load the site plan
<siteplan:children> - Get first level of children
and so on... repeating same process till required level is reached.
Drawbacks of using above logic:
1. If the Template/SiteEntry for LeftNav is cached, there would be many left menu pagelets generated resulting in non-desirable unnecessary over-caching of a page section. For e.g. if you have 50 page assets under parent page asset, then logically you will have 50 cached enteries for left menu per site. And suppose, there are 10 sites configured (multi-lingual), then total number of cached pagelets = 500. Futhermore, consider this -> Even if there are 2 dimensions configured per site within your WebCenter Sites/FatWire project, then there would be 1000 cached pagelets only for left navigation/menu!! At last, one would think that if there are so many cached enteries, developer's end up leaving LeftNav Template/SiteEntry uncached.
2. If there is only site within project, then retrieving & handling value from MAP or using basic asset should not be a problem, but if there are more than 10 sites present in your project, then it may or may not problem; again depends on project design. If you are using basic asset to store key-value, one needs to always make sure if correct page asset id is added as value or not; which is always prone to human-errors. Hence, one can't escape from loading the current page siteplan and then finding the parent page's asset id or node id. There might be some other simple way too.
3. Last but not the least is the issue with loading siteplan for every page asset as you loop through IList from top-to-bottom. Hence, if considered 50 page assets per site under Parent Page, then 51 siteplan loads!! (including parent page) Furthermore, if 10 sites are present within a project, 510 siteplan loads!! Also, one doesn't know when to stop loading children pages until it is cleared upto which level page assets are to be searched for. Some page asset may or may not have child page assets but still siteplan:children tag is loaded while looping from top-to-bottom (also have to add extra if-else condition for child pages existence). This unnecessary loads using siteplan:load tag will definitely affect page responsiveness for every new page request. Developers should be really good in developing such elements and the depth needs to be fixed before implementation too. Additionally, one not only needs page id, but also require page attributes or association and generate url to show in left navigation. Also, you will add some condition to highlight the current page in left navigation which may or may not be complex (depends on HTML prototype). Considering all this, if you check the load time using <time:set> and <time:get> tags, that would be high compared to other elements.
In your project, if this is how navigation/menu is built; then this is really a bad implementation on developer's part and requires inspection.
So how to avoid this?
Coding such scenario is not much of challenge until you know the proper way to implement it. If you check FirstSiteII, similar case is present: Loading product categories in left navigation on product page but it was using searchstate tags whereas in this case, siteplan tags are used.
I am listing few suggestions which can be implemented to increase page performance and reduce unnecessary generation of pagelets.
1. Pagelet caching: Considering that every page request goes through layout (or wrapper+Layout) template and each layout template calls various parts of your webpages - header, footer, navigation and body. For our case, layout template will call an extra pagelet element - LeftNav. Create LeftNav template (same configuration as before but make it as uncached). Create another template - LeftNavChildren (or whatever name) which will be called from LeftNav template; having same configuration (cached, for page asset and usage as HTML pagelet, include same params). When a page having left navigation is requested, LeftNav (uncached) will just calculate the parent page's asset id or node id from the current page cid's value and call LeftNavChildren template by passing this calculated parent page's asset id. As we will always get same parent's page asset id from LeftNav template for a site for every page asset in left navigation, there would be only one cached LeftNavChildren per site per locale. Hence, considering same scenario as 1st point in drawbacks section, we will now have only 1 pagelet * 2 dimensions * 10 sites = 20 cached pagelets!! (Awesome, isn't it??). Hence, in one word, try to cache on parent's page cid not on every page asset in left navigation.
2. Loading parent page: There is not much to say for this case as its very obvious - if more sites are present within project, then its better to use tags to get parent page id or else use MAP tab or some other way.
3. Loading child pages: Use siteplan:listpages tag rather than loading child page assets using siteplan:children tag. This tag has ability to search all the child page assets in one go; given that you provide parent page node id and the level of depth upto which search is required. Hence, no messy code. Following few lines will completely fetch siteplan from top-to-bottom for left navigation.
<asset:load> - Load current parent page asset
<asset:getsidenode> - Get node id of parent page
<siteplan:load> - Load the site plan
<siteplan:listpages> - Get list of child page assets of this parent page upto whatever level of depth required.
Resulting IList contains list of child page assets containing important columns: node level (level 1, 2, 3...), id (page asset id) and hasChildren (page asset has children or not). Hence, if coded efficiently, LeftNav execution time can be reduced drastically. Here is a sample element which can load any siteplan by providing page id and level of depth to search & shows tree like navigation.
4. Highlighting current page: As we are not passing current page id, one may ask how to highlight current page in left navigation? Well, its very simple. By Comparing URL or part of URL generated in left navigation with the current page URL (as URL in left navigation for the current page will be same as the URL in the browser, not to mention that URLs will be unique for a site). Hence, a little knowledge on JavaScript/jQuery can do the trick.
There might be few more other tweaks which I may have missed but these are the essentials to know as every project has requirement to develop navigational section like footer, left navigation, breadcrumb, top navigation or sitemap. I really hope this make things clear on developing navigational part of a website and helps many FatWire/Oracle WCS developers.
Furthermore, this article is a must read for any WCS developer.
Disclaimer: Any sample code on this blog is not officially recommended, use at your own risk.
For reference, you can consider the following case:
Parent Page
- 1
- 1.1
- 1.1.1
- 1.1.2
- 1.1.3
- 1.2
- 1.2.1
- 1.3
- 1.3.1
- 1.3.2
- 1.3.3
- 2
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.1.1
- 2.1.2
- 2.1.3
- 2.3
- 3
- 3.1
- 3.2
- 3.2.1
- 3.2.2
- 3.2.3
- 3.3
- 3.3.1
- 3.3.2
and so on...
where, blue ones are level 1 page assets (placed under parent page), dark purple ones are level 2 page assets (obviously placed under level 1 page asset) and orange ones are level 3 page assets within FatWire/Oracle WebCenter Sites.
Similar configuration is present for other sites too as this project is configured for many countries (meaning many sites within OracleWCS and 2 or more dimensions per site)
I am discussing in detail on this topic so whomsoever reads this doesn't make the same mistake which our previous developer did.
Functionality required:
1. To render a particular page with left menu section listing page assets as shown above
2. The current page should be highlighted in left menu
3. On removing/adding page asset below Parent page asset within WCS at any level should reflect in left menu on next page load
4. Same functionality should be present for other sites (if there are multi-lingual sites)
5. And obviously dependencies and caching should be taken care automatically (no publishing of assets or flushing dependencies/caches)
Let me first discuss on how usually developers code navigational elements. Considering the above example i.e. to render left menu; one can think of a logic like: to call certain Template/SiteEntry (say LeftNav, assettype-Page, usage: Element is used within HTML page, cached) by adding following parameters to cache criteria: c, cid, site, locale and other common parameters (if required); which will be called from Layout template.
Now to build left navigation from top-to-bottom, one needs to know parent page id. So there are 2 ways, either you add parent page id to MAP tab of Template/CSElement for every site or load the current page's siteplan and find the parent page by traversing loaded siteplan (One can argue that same can be achieved if there is basic asset which stores only key-value pairs and parent page's asset id can be stored per site but again there is risk of duplicity of asset name, not to mention it is always prone to human-errors).
First case (getting value from MAP) is generic. For latter case, one can do the following:
<asset:load> - Load current asset from the param - cid
<asset:getsitenode> - Get currently loaded asset's node id in SitePlan Tree
<siteplan:load> - Load siteplan by passing the node id obtained above
<siteplan:notepath> - Get list of ancestors
Last entry in the IList will fetch the parent page asset's asset id and node id
Once you have parent page, start by loading the siteplan from this parent page id or node id and build the left navigation:
<asset:load> - Load current parent page asset
<asset:getsidenode> - Get node id of parent page
<siteplan:load> - Load the site plan
<siteplan:children> - Get first level of children
and so on... repeating same process till required level is reached.
Drawbacks of using above logic:
1. If the Template/SiteEntry for LeftNav is cached, there would be many left menu pagelets generated resulting in non-desirable unnecessary over-caching of a page section. For e.g. if you have 50 page assets under parent page asset, then logically you will have 50 cached enteries for left menu per site. And suppose, there are 10 sites configured (multi-lingual), then total number of cached pagelets = 500. Futhermore, consider this -> Even if there are 2 dimensions configured per site within your WebCenter Sites/FatWire project, then there would be 1000 cached pagelets only for left navigation/menu!! At last, one would think that if there are so many cached enteries, developer's end up leaving LeftNav Template/SiteEntry uncached.
2. If there is only site within project, then retrieving & handling value from MAP or using basic asset should not be a problem, but if there are more than 10 sites present in your project, then it may or may not problem; again depends on project design. If you are using basic asset to store key-value, one needs to always make sure if correct page asset id is added as value or not; which is always prone to human-errors. Hence, one can't escape from loading the current page siteplan and then finding the parent page's asset id or node id. There might be some other simple way too.
3. Last but not the least is the issue with loading siteplan for every page asset as you loop through IList from top-to-bottom. Hence, if considered 50 page assets per site under Parent Page, then 51 siteplan loads!! (including parent page) Furthermore, if 10 sites are present within a project, 510 siteplan loads!! Also, one doesn't know when to stop loading children pages until it is cleared upto which level page assets are to be searched for. Some page asset may or may not have child page assets but still siteplan:children tag is loaded while looping from top-to-bottom (also have to add extra if-else condition for child pages existence). This unnecessary loads using siteplan:load tag will definitely affect page responsiveness for every new page request. Developers should be really good in developing such elements and the depth needs to be fixed before implementation too. Additionally, one not only needs page id, but also require page attributes or association and generate url to show in left navigation. Also, you will add some condition to highlight the current page in left navigation which may or may not be complex (depends on HTML prototype). Considering all this, if you check the load time using <time:set> and <time:get> tags, that would be high compared to other elements.
In your project, if this is how navigation/menu is built; then this is really a bad implementation on developer's part and requires inspection.
So how to avoid this?
Coding such scenario is not much of challenge until you know the proper way to implement it. If you check FirstSiteII, similar case is present: Loading product categories in left navigation on product page but it was using searchstate tags whereas in this case, siteplan tags are used.
I am listing few suggestions which can be implemented to increase page performance and reduce unnecessary generation of pagelets.
1. Pagelet caching: Considering that every page request goes through layout (or wrapper+Layout) template and each layout template calls various parts of your webpages - header, footer, navigation and body. For our case, layout template will call an extra pagelet element - LeftNav. Create LeftNav template (same configuration as before but make it as uncached). Create another template - LeftNavChildren (or whatever name) which will be called from LeftNav template; having same configuration (cached, for page asset and usage as HTML pagelet, include same params). When a page having left navigation is requested, LeftNav (uncached) will just calculate the parent page's asset id or node id from the current page cid's value and call LeftNavChildren template by passing this calculated parent page's asset id. As we will always get same parent's page asset id from LeftNav template for a site for every page asset in left navigation, there would be only one cached LeftNavChildren per site per locale. Hence, considering same scenario as 1st point in drawbacks section, we will now have only 1 pagelet * 2 dimensions * 10 sites = 20 cached pagelets!! (Awesome, isn't it??). Hence, in one word, try to cache on parent's page cid not on every page asset in left navigation.
2. Loading parent page: There is not much to say for this case as its very obvious - if more sites are present within project, then its better to use tags to get parent page id or else use MAP tab or some other way.
3. Loading child pages: Use siteplan:listpages tag rather than loading child page assets using siteplan:children tag. This tag has ability to search all the child page assets in one go; given that you provide parent page node id and the level of depth upto which search is required. Hence, no messy code. Following few lines will completely fetch siteplan from top-to-bottom for left navigation.
<asset:load> - Load current parent page asset
<asset:getsidenode> - Get node id of parent page
<siteplan:load> - Load the site plan
<siteplan:listpages> - Get list of child page assets of this parent page upto whatever level of depth required.
Resulting IList contains list of child page assets containing important columns: node level (level 1, 2, 3...), id (page asset id) and hasChildren (page asset has children or not). Hence, if coded efficiently, LeftNav execution time can be reduced drastically. Here is a sample element which can load any siteplan by providing page id and level of depth to search & shows tree like navigation.
4. Highlighting current page: As we are not passing current page id, one may ask how to highlight current page in left navigation? Well, its very simple. By Comparing URL or part of URL generated in left navigation with the current page URL (as URL in left navigation for the current page will be same as the URL in the browser, not to mention that URLs will be unique for a site). Hence, a little knowledge on JavaScript/jQuery can do the trick.
There might be few more other tweaks which I may have missed but these are the essentials to know as every project has requirement to develop navigational section like footer, left navigation, breadcrumb, top navigation or sitemap. I really hope this make things clear on developing navigational part of a website and helps many FatWire/Oracle WCS developers.
Furthermore, this article is a must read for any WCS developer.
Disclaimer: Any sample code on this blog is not officially recommended, use at your own risk.